
With a little help from my friends

I remembered this song by the Beatles and fell in love with it once again-

What do I do when my love is away 
(Does it worry you to be alone?) 
How do I feel by the end of the day 
(Are you sad because you're on your own?)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends 
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends 
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

The Beatles have a song for almost everything and that too mostly a good one. I especially love the last three lines! There are many people you know, some people you care about and only a few who matter. I would like to dedicate this post to some of those who do! There are many poems, stories, movies about friendship and yet it impresses you every time! To Friends...

Currently, everywhere I go, I hear people defining things. I wonder, how one could define friendship? As far as I am concerned; I know it, experience it and appreciate it. And that is enough for me! Simply put- friendship is when you mutually like the talks, arguments, fights, pranks, mirth, and so on. Like the characters in modern movies; behaviour of your friends with respect to you keeps on changing. It may range from protection, support, encouragement, confidence, camaraderie, criticism,  warning, scold; as per requirement. I believe it is a phenomenon - Its easier to help a friend in dilemma and easier to solve your's with the help of your friends. It may not be a universal truth but I have experienced it quite a few times! Friends are the ones who trouble you without troubling you. And basically, those who help you and stand by you when trouble comes from a different source. One thing that characterizes friendship is that you are on common grounds with people, which is not the case in all relationships. This helps you to understand yourself and each other better. In a difficulty, the solution appears simpler when facing it with friends. Because you know there is a back up or someone to suffer along with. So, when things aren't going right, friends are the only people who will ease it off by joking about it. :) 

One bad thing about friendship is the times when you miss your friend. But sometimes the missing part gives you a chance to look forward to something. Time is said to be very valuable. And only with friends, it is valuable even when you waste it together. I think one thing you share with friends and which you never stop loving is memories. And the best part is that you can miss them together. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for everything! And looking forward to all the great times ahead! I once received a text from a friend. It kind of summarized friendship in one word- SHARING. And on this note, I will end this one. I will conclude with a very meaningful and beautiful line from an amazing movie I recently watched! The movie 'Into the Wild' -
Happiness is real only when shared!

Photo credit: To a friend :)

P. S. : Dear Friends, Thanks for your encouragement! Criticism welcome too. :)


  1. Time is said to be very valuable. And only with friends, it is valuable even when you waste it together. :) haha!! good one, aditi!!

  2. thank you! :) we definitely know its value.. :)

  3. it's so true that time spent with friends never feels like a waste, even though we end up doing nothing but laughing off silly jokes. Instead it is a lifetime memory to cherish! Love live friendship! Love live all my friends!


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