
Seeing Past Differently

Life makes one deal with events, many times, without prior notice. The same event which shocks you, surprises you at a different time. The mind teaches you different things with same experience, on different occasions. Looking at past is not often flattering (especially when you are in the brooding phase). It is perhaps not always truthful because it changes with perception. And it doesn't help to dwell in it. But, once in a while, it is good to inspect it as an outsider, treat is as an example and look at it critically.  Just retrospect whether you have created a pattern you cannot break. Or to put it more practically, a pattern which you are reluctant to discontinue. 
Patterns define comfort zone and that is a misnomer. Staying in comfort zone limits possibilities. Because to deal with life, one needs to learn to adapt. And the two ways to accomplish that is to cross your limits or have none. Very few people are strong/insane enough to take the second option. Therefore it is a safer option to practice the first one. And it needs to be practiced; that too meticulously. One never gets perfect at it but may grow better. This effort is only required if you chose to think. And if you understand that- Life teaches one not only from experience but also from observation. 
Looking at past has its own costs and benefits. It follows the old maxim credited to Paracelsus- sola dosis facit venenum (Dosage alone determines poison). We should not be afraid or obsessed with past even when it doesn't fit in with our current situation. And we need to make sure that we use it wisely. We need to realize that past is not the reality but your memory of it. It never helps as a reference but serves as a building stone for your decisions. Hence it is very important how you perceive it. Make sure you make it count and appreciate it's worth. And be aware when it is holding you back. This balancing and juggling act is not a trial but a trick one ought to learn.
We cannot be rid of past and hence need to deal with it well. It may not be worth much in greater happenings in the universe but it affects your way of looking at the universe. The present generally affects actions and the past affects reactions. However; sometimes it is wiser to reverse the roles depending on the situation. One can easily live with past but one must not live in it. Like most of the things in life, past needs to be worked on very carefully. Henry Timrod puts it well in his poem titled, 'The Past'-

To-day's most trivial act may hold the seed
Of future fruitfulness, or future dearth;
Oh, cherish always every word and deed!
The simplest record of thyself hath worth.

If thou hast ever slighted one old thought,
Beware lest Grief enforce the truth at last;
The time must come wherein thou shalt be taught
The value and the beauty of the Past.

Not merely as a warner and a guide,
"A voice behind thee," sounding to the strife;
But something never to be put aside,
A part and parcel of thy present life.

Not as a distant and a darkened sky,
Through which the stars peep, and the moon-beams glow;
But a surrounding atmosphere, whereby
We live and breathe, sustained in pain and woe.

A shadowy land, where joy and sorrow kiss,
Each still to each corrective and relief,
Where dim delights are brightened into bliss,
And nothing wholly perishes but Grief.

Ah, me! -- not dies -- no more than spirit dies;
But in a change like death is clothed with wings;
A serious angel, with entranced eyes,
Looking to far-off and celestial things. 

Studying different colours of past is as amusing as having a colourful one